Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why Employee Surveillance is Absolutely Must?

Where is the line between security and privacy problems?
Using hidden spy cameras for surveillance is not a surprise, no longer exists. There are many examples, like banks, super markets or parking lots. Nevertheless, one example of secret surveillance is widely disputed. And that - employee monitoring.
Sure, company to protect its equipment or intellectual property. However, the worker, as each of the modern civil society should have the right to their own privacy.
Let look at the popular examples of employee surveillance in restaurants or casinos and decide if staff are monitoring really so bad and offensive practices.
Restaurant Business
Restaurants are savior for those of use who do not have time to have lunch or dinner at home. When we go to a restaurant, we expect everything to be smooth with a clean plate to Nice service. And, of course, we expect to have delicious food every time. But we can always be sure that we get exactly what we want?
You, probably saw these videos on various television shows, where an employee to disclose incompetent oversight (and psychological problems many times, rendering) staff, who some things really nasty.
For For example, they can sneeze on the plate, spit in your coffee, and they are much worse than what you probably do not want to think about right now.
There may be many reasons that (except for the very obvious - mental illness). Some of them may have a bad day, some may not like people, some may not get enough boards last time, and so on But such situations should never be tolerated.
So how can we be sure that we eat, clean and delicious food? Well, secret surveillance worker helps us in this time. Maybe no one will ever know that such things, if not spy cameras have been installed to monitor employees during their work day. In this case, the employee monitoring, at least gives us some hope that such officers will think twice before doing something nasty.
Casino Business
Casino business, probably the largest in the industry surveillance of workers. Almost every casino in Las Vegas in a security camera or hire specialized companies to spy on their employees and customers.
Without secret (well, many already know about the security cameras in casinos) surveillance, casinos would lose millions of dollars in the long run. So the company employed to monitor the players or staff members much more beneficial financially, because casinos can save a lot of money.
Again, without closely monitoring their employees and customers, it would be impossible to detect and to have evidence that someone is stealing money or deception at the table.
Intellectual property
Another example employee monitoring of various IT companies that track, if employees do not abuse their email systems or diversion of valuable information outside the company.
You, probably know how many employees love to abuse the company network. They download movies, MP3 & 39; s, share files and viewing porn sites very often, in some cases every day.
Well companies that want their employees to work effectively and to stop abusing their systems, install special software to track their activities employee at work. This software can alert system managers of the various inappropriate actions and help companies monitor their employees to work better.
It particularly important when companies do not want information to be sent outside their network. Workers may send a new scenario for the film cleaner and plans to destroy the film. They can send some important applications by e-mail to other companies expect to receive a fee for such traitorous activity.
So again, the worker must observe in such a situation.
Companies, usually have their own rules for monitoring and inform their employees about such things in the contract or otherwise.
While, employee surveillance is very important in some cases, there are many people who do not agree and argue that the monitoring of employees violates the rights of the employee. They say that the worker should have a personal life at home and at work, feel safe and secure all the time.
Some say that even if you monitor electronic communications of employees or their working space, there is mail, telephone calls, faxes and other ways to leaks very important information outside the company. If an employee wants to violate their company& 39;s policy, no one will stop them.
Well, which may be true. However, using various tools of observation to monitor the staff will certainly reduce the likelihood of fraud money or other illicit activities. If you warn its employees about espionage cells, they will certainly think twice before doing something illegal.

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